Homestake Creek Wetlands
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Front Range cities threaten vital wetlands
The wetlands along Homestake and Whitney creeks are of critical importance to the well-being of Colorado ecosystems and sustainable water supplies. But the cities of Aurora and Colorado Springs want to build yet another dam on Homestake Creek. The proposed reservoir would submerge these wetlands and send even more Western Slope water to the Front Range. The resulting reservoir would also encroach on the Holy Cross Wilderness Area.
Colorado has already lost 50 percent of its wetlands, which provide critical wildlife habitat and help limit the size and intensity of forest fires. More importantly, wetlands help counter the effects of climate change.
Arguably the most important feature of wetlands is their ability to replenish underground water supplies. Water stored underground in aquifers is not lost to evaporation, and it slowly returns to streams and rivers, supplying water for Colorado’s farmers, ranchers and communities while offsetting the lack of precipitation in drought years. Without aquifer recharge, vital water resources would eventually dry up.
Ironically, this project, intended to provide water security for the Front Range, would actually harm Colorado’s water resources in the long run. It would also destroy one of the state’s most valuable wetlands along with important wildlife habitat for elk, moose, deer, trout and a variety of bird species as well as rare native plants.
Watch How
There are better ways to address the water needs of Front Range cities than building more reservoirs and piping water across the Continental Divide. Colorado Headwaters is producing a 10-minute film that documents the importance of the headwaters of the Eagle River and explores other options for meeting the water needs of Front Range cities without destroying vital wetlands and invading Holy Cross Wilderness.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support this documentary film and help preserve this vitally important part of Colorado’s natural heritage.
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